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October Monthly Message on Fempower

Dec 1, 2019

Here's a rebroadcast of the October message for insiders in case you missed it.

Bonus content and insight at the top of each month for free for subscribers to the Fempower Insiders Club! SUBSCRIBE here and on

Now you know, so share share...

Dec 1, 2019

Bonus content and insight at the top of each month for free for subscribers to the Fempower Insiders Club! Subscribe at INSIDERS  and on

Happy Holidays - this month everyone gets the message in advance! Thanks for being here and listening. Now that you know about us, share this gift with others and...

Dec 1, 2019

Bonus content and insight at the top of each month for free for subscribers to the Fempower Insiders Club! Subscribe at INSIDERS  and on

Nov 30, 2019

A decade ago, I wasn’t so sure that social media would become a real career…at least not given the traditional career path I had taken. When I did start to hear about it as a job, I thought it would be short lived because it seemed so strange – why would you need anyone to post something about what you were doing...

Oct 23, 2019

Carmen Romero joins me on today’s episode to discuss how dance saved her life; in fact, it saved both of our lives and her daughter’s as well. Carmen, not only is my friend, but also my Flamenco teacher, and so much more. She continues to work as a brain rehabilitation therapist along her dance career. Her story...